About our Patron St Luke

His Feast day is 18th October.
Patron saint of Physicians, Surgeons, Artists and Painters.
St Luke wrote one of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Among the four Gospel writers he is the only Gentile Christian. He is believed to be born a Greek. His Gospel was probably written between 70 and 85 A.D. He wrote as a Gentile for other Gentiles. In the Letter to the Colossians he is identified as “Luke, the beloved Physician”. He was a travel companion of St Paul and stayed with him during his imprisonment as a faithful friend until the end. In paintings St Luke is often depicted with a winged ox as the symbol of sacrifice.
St Luke offers a unique perspective on Jesus in the gospel he wrote as he includes 6 miracles and 18 parables that are not included in the other gospels. His gospel is also knows as the “Gospel of Mercy”, the “Gospel of Joy” and the “Gospel of the Poor”. We only hear in Luke’s Gospel about the Annunciation which ultimately gave us the scriptural words of the Hail Mary and therefore the rosary. Luke had a special connection with the women in Jesus’ life, especially Mary. He is the only one that tells us about the Visitation including the Magnificat and the story how Jesus was found in the temple at the age 12. Without Luke we would not be able to hear the story of the Prodigal son. He writes about mercy and God’s goodness.
Prayer to St Luke

We are grateful here at St Luke’s Retreat Centre that we have a patron saint
for Healing and Art.