
St Luke’s Retreat Centre has been renovated and refurbished in 2022
Old and dusty Carpets were lifted and the beautiful original wooden floors were repaired, sanded and varnished. Walls and ceilings were painted and the bathrooms were modernised. Bathtubs were replaced with more eco friendly showers, plugs were added to the guest rooms to allow for each bed to have its own plug and lights were added in passageways and replaced with modern more energy efficient alternatives. True to Laudatory Si, we are putting eco friendly alternatives first wherever feasible. The lights in the passages have been placed on motion sensors to avoid being left on overnight. An underground water tank that was built in the 19th century and was recently discovered, was cleaned out and found to be in excellent condition. The tank has been connected to collect rain water and is now serving more than 50% of the Retreat Centre. We are hoping to connect the rest of the Centre soon.
Before the Renovations

After the renovations