About Us

The building that houses St Luke’s Retreat Centre today is a former monastery and dates back to 1892, when it was built by the Nazareth Sisters to serve the orphans, the aged and the poor.


The building at 10 Park Lane, Central, Port Elizabeth which now belongs to the Diocese of Port Elizabeth and houses the Chancery, St Luke’s Retreat Centre, the Catholic Resource Centre, several retired priests and a number of other Diocesan Offices was originally built by the Congregation of the Poor Sisters of Nazareth which are devoted to the care of the aged, the orphaned and children in need. In 1891 the Nazareth Sisters were generously given the property in 10 Park Lane by a neighbour that had purchased the property for them and the Foundation Stone of the first two wings and a kitchen were laid in 1892. Over several years more extensions were completed which included classrooms and dormitories which housed children and elderly as well as the resident Sisters for over a 100 years.

Due to a decline of vocations as well as diminishing public and state financial support, the running of the home was affected and the children could no longer be accommodated. The care of the aged was extended and the residents were moved to a newer building adjacent to the Original Home. 

In 2002 the Diocese of Port Elizabeth purchased the original historical building which had stood empty and was considered to be demolished. The Diocesan Chancery moved into the new premises in 2004 after much needed renovations and refurbishing of the building. In 2006 St Luke’s Retreat Centre was established and Sister Dorothea of the Nazareth Sisters was employed by the Diocese to run the Retreat Centre. After Sister Dorothea was moved to England by the Congregation, the Retreat Centre has been run by a number of lay people as it is still today.

In 2020 due to several factors including the outbreak of the Covid Pandemic, the Retreat Centre had to close. In 2022 after 6 months of renovations and refurbishing, St Luke’s Retreat Centre was officially re-opened on the 29th of June 2022 under new management. 

The Retreat Centre now offers various Types of Retreats as well as space for individual retreats and group retreats. The facility is enjoyed by many other Christian denominations as well as NPOs and businesses who are looking for a peaceful refuge. 


Our mission is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength, and with all our mind; and our neighbour as ourselves. (Luke 10:27)


Our Vision is to create a place of prayer, rest and serenity; away from the world but in the world. We want to be a place where people will encounter Christ as a person and enter into a personal relationship with Him.